Adverse events with medical devices can threaten health and life of individuals and the economical base of companies and other organisations. Involve HeathCare Support’s experts, if you are confronted with an adverse event and you want to discuss your risk assessment and your risk management related to it.
To precipitantly launch a recall or to notify an authority precipitantly may absorb the resources of your enterprise to an extent which compromises your aim to provide maximum safety to the individuals and to the organisations which you are caring for.
» You don’t do the Job right – if You don’t ask for Support! «
M.A.R. Freeman, Orthopaedic Surgeon (FRCS), London
Once under pressure of time, diverging opinions often are no more invited. Pressure for time often leads to precipitant actions, which compromise the essential objectives, while generating negative consequences, which no more can be corrected.
Take our time… if it is vitally important not to lose yours!